How To Plan For Interactive Signage For Your Property

There are many instances where a hotel will work with solely with a branding agency on guest experience and branding for a hotel but often, it doesn’t align well with the sheer volume of signage most hotel properties need. From a guest experience perspective as well as an ADA-compliance perspective, there is a lot more to hotel signage than aesthetics, and your interactive signage partner should know what – and exactly how much – will bridge the gap between design and functionality.

Here are some things to consider when planning out hotel signage:

Sign Programming

Legoland-4For any wayfinding system to be effective, it must have a plan. A programming consultant should label rooms while organizing and documenting the entire process for your review. Further, your programming professional should bring an objective point-of-view and offer recommendations or ideas to enhance your hotel’s wayfinding and identification experience.

Wayfinding Analysis

Wayfinding is a comprehensive process developed to familiarize people in a physical space and provide directional assistance to get from point A to point B. Messages presented on wayfinding signage minimize a visitor’s natural confusion when navigating a new and unfamiliar facility. As such, the ability to effectively and successfully direct a guest is paramount – welcoming the visitor, clearly defining the area, and providing directions – and the process of analyzing, identifying and meeting wayfinding need is more than just pretty entrances and wayfinding; it’s about balancing form with function.


Stainless steel is fancy and looks great, but when it’s 10 stories up, may not make sense – and is it really worth the cost? So from single-stage polyurethane painting to base-coat and clear-coat painting, to powder coating, cost, aesthetics, and efficacy should all be considered.


Keeping up-to-date with the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) and local accessibility regulations is vital to crafting successful and compliant wayfinding signage design systems. Your wayfinding consultant should always follow any changes and provide ADAAG-related training to continually educate all clients with site surveys and analysis, local code compliance and analysis, client representation before government agencies regarding variances, utility checks, and ADA compliance.


You don’t want your grand opening held up because of missed deadlines. Your signage partner should understand the full picture, from design to permits, to installation – and be in charge of project management from inception to execution. So from design appropriation to managing the manufacturing process, to supervising on-site installations, to guaranteeing that the finished projects surpass your expectations, every portion of your signage process should be carefully considered and managed, with expenses kept within budget.

With extensive experience in exterior and interior wayfinding consultation and development, signage design and fabrication of illuminated signs, Creative Sign Designs is the perfect partner for your hospitality signage needs. Creative’s capabilities to design, fabricate and install custom signage are ideal for the most unique, cutting-edge hotel properties while preserving consistency for recognizable industry leaders.

Want to learn more about how Creative Sign Designs can help you with your hotel’s interactive signage project? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

We have two locations in Florida featuring more than 50,000 square feet of our product offerings. In Tampa and Orlando, we provide a glimpse into the endless possibilities in the sign world. We have created a whole new concept in signage, one that incorporates high-tech design and top-of-the-line construction.



12801 Commodity Place
Tampa , FL 33626
Toll Free: 800-804-4809
Fax: 813-818-7200


285 National Place
Unit 127
Longwood, FL 32750
Toll Free: 800-804-4809
Fax: 813-818-7200


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