5 Myths About Branding & Signage

A creative, branded, compelling sign can set your business apart from its competition while helping you establish your brand identity. But here’s an oft-overlooked secret to kick-off our myth-busting list: sign companies don’t have the design expertise needed for great signage. With the right signage partner, you can get both – for the price of one. A strategic signage partner can help you explore all branding and display factors to make sure that you select the right products for their intended applications while securing a return on investment aligned with your business objectives.

So here, we’ve listed five common myths about branding and signage and debunked each so you can make the best, most informed decision for your business.

  1. hospitality-signMYTH: Less is more. TRUTH: Your business and branding should dictate whether less is more or if, in fact, more is more. Each design plan can – and should – include a detailed needs analysis and wayfinding services to evaluate and establish the most effective means of informing and directing visitors, patients, patrons and customers throughout a facility.
  1. MYTH: Branding is an art, not a science. TRUTH: It’s actually both, and that unique blend helps companies create imaginative, clever, and impactful signage. Programming, when incorporated from the beginning of design, maps out the steps for installing cost-effective and useful signage, from budgeting to fabrication, for signage programming that is clear, concise and consistent.
  1. MYTH. Signage companies aren’t branding or design experts. TRUTH: Architectural design-build fabricators of custom interior and exterior signage solutions and corporate branding programs boast a single, expert entity owning the entire process of a custom signage project, and the result is minimized costs, streamlined schedules, and increased efficiency.
  1. MYTH: Wayfinding and ADA signage mess up beautiful branding. TRUTH: With a thoughtful exterior and interior wayfinding consultation, signage design and fabrication of wayfinding and ADA signage can have both form and function while preserving consistency for a recognizable industry leader.
  1. MYTH: The more words, the better. TRUTH: Signage is not the place to be verbose. Include keywords about features and benefits with short headlines of seven words or less and visual graphics. Leverage imagery to tell your story, and focus more on the quality of the content and images.

And there you have it. Five of the peskiest, most common misconceptions about branding and signage debunked. If you are a business owner or are planning to start a business, it’s important to consider how you plan to leverage your signage.

For expert branding and signage support and guidance, contact us today and to see what Creative Sign Designs can do for you!

We have two locations in Florida featuring more than 50,000 square feet of our product offerings. In Tampa and Orlando, we provide a glimpse into the endless possibilities in the sign world. We have created a whole new concept in signage, one that incorporates high-tech design and top-of-the-line construction.



12801 Commodity Place
Tampa , FL 33626
Toll Free: 800-804-4809
Fax: 813-818-7200


285 National Place
Unit 127
Longwood, FL 32750
Toll Free: 800-804-4809
Fax: 813-818-7200


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